A list of simple suggestions to make your home look lived-in while you’re gone.
You want your home to look as if you aren’t gone while you’re away. Taking these precautions will help.
- Arrange to have mail, newspapers, packages and flyers picked up daily.
- Ask the sheriff or police to check your home periodically.
- Leave your itinerary and telephone numbers with the person caring for your house.
- Have someone mow and water the lawn regularly in summer; in winter have someone keep walkways and driveway shoveled.
- If you have a second car, park it in your driveway or ask a neighbor to park there.
Follow these simple suggestions to make your home look lived in while you’re gone
- Arrange timing devices to turn your interior and exterior lights on and off (make sure ground-floor timers aren’t visible to someone looking through a window). Hook timers to your radio and television, too.
- Synchronize all timers so they go on and off at different times to give your home a lived-in look.
- Ask a neighbor to come in twice a day to open and close your draperies. If that’s impossible, leave your drapes half open.
- Lock all windows and doors (dead-bolt locks are best for doors).
- Immobilize sliding glass doors.
- Leave garbage in your trash cans if you store them outside.
- Arrange for someone to put a trash can in front of your house on pickup day.
- Take valuables with you or store them in a safe-deposit box or at a friend’s house.
- Adjust your thermostat to save energy while you’re gone.
- Switch water heater to “pilot” if you will be away for more than a couple of days.
- Check all appliances to ensure they’re off.
- Unplug any fixtures and major appliances that will not be in use while you’re away.